Monday, April 29, 2013

Irish Dance revue & First Tee Ball game

April 27 - O'Hare Irish Dance Revue

Emma and Lauren

Mommy & Emma

Emma Sue!

Carter's first tee ball game!


Taylor Swift concert!

For Christmas, we gave Emma and Sarah tickets to a Taylor Swift concert!
April 25 finally arrive and it was amazing!

Sarah, Charlotte, Erin, Gigi, Sarah S,. Riley, Emma and MaryKate

Our seats were great! 

Chill'n with Jordan!

Carter and Sarah hanging our with our neighbor Jordan.
I think Jordan may need to teach my kiddos a thing or two...
Starting with... you're sitting on the four wheeler the wrong way!

Fun days in Florida!

Chill'n by the pool!

Nana and Carter!


Putt Putt golf at Pirate's Cove!

The Easter bunny found us in Florida!

Look who we found in Florida!

The Schultz's Family!

Sarah and Paige

Emma, Nate and the little friends!

Sarah, Emma & Paige


Carter's dream come true! 
Legoland!!!  again....

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sea World

The Sarah's feeding the sting rays!  
They walked away with twenty fingers!

Sarah and Carter walking with flamingos!

I'm not sure why we continue to spend money to enter into these theme parks.

Just give my family some hats and we're easily entertained!

Look who we found at Sea Work!  Jordan, Jim and Jo!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream...
and cotton candy!

Spring Break & Easter... we're off to Orlando, FL!

Our dear friend, Jodi, was kind enough to drive me and the kiddos to the airport.  
Check out Pipen begging to go with us on our adventure! 

Our next door neighbor, Jordan, was in the seat in front of Sarah! 
Sarah and Jordan have spent hours and hours playing together...
 this was there first play date on a plane!

Nana boiled some eggs for the kiddos to color...

They weren't all what they were cracked up to be...

Maybe we'll have better luck next year...

Nana and Carter enjoying an afternoon nap by the pool.

Our typical five o'clock hour...  three sisters equals one life guard!