A nice healthy bribe works every time... I told the kiddos over dinner if they all learned to ride their bikes, then we could bike to Dairy Queen for desert! Right after dinner, Sarah taught herself how to ride a bike! And Carter is more confident on his bike with training wheels! I wonder when they are going to realize that Mommy doesn't even own a bike..... :)
Way back in November when our basement was finally finished, I agreed to host a slumber-birthday party! (What was I thinking?) I held to my promise. Took the girls over to our club to swim. Arrived 45 minutes before they closed! (Didn't know that on Mondays they closed three hours early... urgh!) The plan to tire them out totally backed fired! Trying to get a group of girls to agree on ONE movie... impossible! Overall, the kiddos had a great time! I think our 2012 birthday parties have now concluded. Next birthday is June 22... Sarah and Chris'!
Lauren and Gigi gave Emma the same jammies! Too funny!