Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dreaming of Summer..

What do you do in March when you live in oHIo?


Or play Legos!

Lorax - Dr. Seuss movie

We went to see Lorax with a bunch of the kiddos friends!  Cute movie!

Sarah sporting her 3-D glasses

Stephen and Carter munching on popcorn!  

Road to Recovery...

May 17, 2009 - Carter's first double eye muscle surgery

April 7, 2011 - Carter's second double eye muscle surgery

January 12, 2012 - Carter's third double eye muscle surgery

February 22. 2012 - Carter was given permission from Dr. Hertle to go without his glasses for 3 months!  The news was not well received from Carter!  So... we opted for a healthy bribe!  Lego's!  It worked!


Sarah's hair is finally long enough for pigtails!

Mommy Boot Camp

It's never to early to start training your kiddos...