Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ohio driver... this is not ME!

This is not me or Chris!

This is an Ohio Driver!

Yesterday, Carter and I were running errands and came across this!  When we first arrived the police car was not there... that made a better picture!  But by the time I could get my phone out of my pocket, our local policeman arrived... bummer.  Still, a crazy looking accident scene.

Medicine X3

What a week!

Carter and Sarah went to the doctor on Monday for sinus infections.  By Thursday, Emma had strep throat!

Daddy's influence...

Chris and Carter went to a local car show.  Chris loved the Dukes of Hazzard as a child!  I think the outing was more for Chris then Carter!

Lego Land in our kitchen!

Kiddos are loving Legos!  Hours of entertainment!

Emma's smile

Happy Valentine's Day!

Emma started the day looking like this....

Mommy and Carter waiting for the big change...

Emma's new smile!  

Emma got a lot of bling for Valentine's Day!

Carter's dream car

Carter's dream car!

Emma's cupcakes

Emma's fabulous creations from Girl Group... cupcake decorating at its finest!

Cleveland Feis

Cleveland Feis

Lauren & Emma

 Georgia, Kendel and Emma!

Sarah's face painting

Sarah's turn!  She came home from a birthday party looking like this!

Emma's face painting

Emma got off the bus looking like this!  She's a pink panda bear!  The "other Emma" in her class invited a face painter to help celebrate her star student week!

Roller skating

Tough guy on skates!

Sarah's Girl Scout group went roller skating....

Sarah's teeth or lack of!

Sarah started the year off with losing her fourth tooth!

New adventure!

I thought I would try something new... so hear I go!  Yikes!
I have two long distance friends that have been blogging and my kiddos love to look at their friends sites so I thought I would give it a try.  Its also a great way to journal our family's events.  I am also motivated by a friend who has recently kicked cancer to the curb!  She used blogging to help keep everyone up to date on herself and her family!
I'm going to try to do a little catching up on 2012!